Tuesday 5 August 2014

Pre Production Essays

Pre Production Techniques for the creative media have their similarities and differences, there is Film, TV, non-broadcast videos, radio, audio, media, web, computer games and photo imaging.


Film has similarities and differences they have lots of similarities such as finance because you need to have a set budget on the film and they cant spend over that certain amount of money. Another similarity would be the editor of the film because you would need a editor because you will need someone to edit the film and you also need a editor for photography to add effects to the photo and you will need this for making a film. There are some differences because for a film you need a age certificate to show who the film is suitable for a certain audience to watch the film. Another difference is the genre of the film because you can make the film a comedy, action or ScFi film where as for photo you don't need a genre for the photo these are some of the similarities and differences for film.


Video has similarities and differences they have lots of similarities such as finance because if you are making a film trailer or a music video you need a set budget of money to spend on this video or trailer. Another similarity would be actors because you need actors in the video and you need to get the right actor to play in your video or film. There aren't any differences because film and video are the same so there will not be any differences.


TV also has similarities and differences such as copyright because they will not want a company copying the film that they have made so they will sign documents saying that you cant copy the film and it is also illegal. Another similarity would be target audience because you need to make a film for a certain audience such as 15-40 and they need this so they don't make a film that will not get watched and they do this in video and film. A difference would be TV license because TV has a license to show certain movies and shows and TVs and if the film is not suitable to be seen on TV they will not show the film that you have made. Another difference would be channel because you cant always show your film on a channel it has to be suitable to go on that channel if the film has swearing on it cant be shown till after 10 where as Sky movies and film 4 show films with swearing throughout the day.

Photo Imaging

Photo imaging has its similarities and differences such as recruitment you need to get the right crew in to take a picture say if you are doing modeling you want your best directors and photographers taking the photo and everything has to perfect like in film and video. Another similarity would be Deadlines because in the media you always have a set deadline whether it be making a film making a music video or a trailer you always have to meet your deadline and it is the same in photo imaging. A difference in Photo imaging would be equipment because you need different equipment you will need a better equipment better lighting equipment it all needs to be the best you can get. Another difference would be photographs you need to get them on posters especially if you are doing modeling for Armani you would need it on a big poster outside the store advertising there brand new product.


In Radio there are similarities and differences such as recruitment for example if you are recruiting for radio one with it being aimed at people aged 15-29 you need someone within that age and it is the same for other radio stations they will employ people in that age range. Another similarity would be Restrictions because like in films you have restrictions in what you say and you cant swear and this is the same in some films you can’t swear. A difference would be in the car because you listen to the radio in the car and that is where people listen to the radio and you can watch films and videos in the car. Another difference would be pay to play song because they pay to play the songs that they want on where as films doesn't do this.

Computer Games

When making a video games there are some Similarities and Differences such as Age Certificate you need a age certificate for the game so it can be suitable for a certain age to play this game and it would be illegal if it didn't have it. Another Similarity would be Recruitment because you need to Recruit the right team to create the game and do all the editing for the game and put the music onto the game and create the cover for the game. A difference would be that you will not need a director or a producer into making the game where as you will when making a film and you will need this in a film to direct the film and also produce the film. When making a computer game you also need to think about the budget in how much you are going to spend on it for example if you are going to make a game and you have 1 million as your set budget too spend on it you cant go over that amount. Something else would be that time if you have a set release date that means that the game should be coming out by that time but they sometimes games get put backwards because they haven't finished making the game yet this can sometimes happen.


Interactive has its similarities and differences such as computer games because you are interacting with them you are using the controller and with the new generation of games you can tell the Xbox, PS3 and the Wii to do what you want for example if you say play game it will play it for you. Another Similarity would be that you need a Designer a Producer people like this and say if you are making a Spanish you will need a Language Specialist to make the DVD. A difference would be Age Restrictions because you wont need a age restriction for making a language DVD for people to learn Spanish it can be for all ages. Something’s to take into account for interactive would be that for example if you are making a Spanish Learning Language DVD you would need materials to make it. Also you will need personnel to make it like a Spanish language Specialist, Editors and Designers in there to make it all by putting all the sound in there and putting everything onto a Disk by burning it on there.


Web has its similarities and differences such as Age Restrictions because there isn't an age restriction to log on to the internet you can get on to the internet at any age. Another similarity would be that video because you can go onto youtube watch music videos, trailers for the latest films. A difference would be that in the in the car you cant watch videos because you wont have a very good internet connection and all it will do is buffer lots so you will not get to watch the video. Somethings to take into account would be that you have finances with the web incase you want to make a web page you will have a set budget on what you want to spend on making the web page. Another thing to take into account with web would be contributors who are you going to hire to make the web page and also are you going to contribute in making the webpage yourself.

Pre Production Techniques Essays

Understanding the Requirements for a specific media production

Type of Production

The type of production that I will be making is a metrosexuality documentary on why do men care more now about there appearance now to maybe 20 years ago and why do men go to salons to get there hair cut now and get things done at salons more often than what they used to. I would also like to find out why single men care more about there appearance and why men also care more about there hairstyle and spend more time in front of the mirror styling there hair. I will be going to a salon where I go to get my hair cut called Jo Ferns in Ashton to get not just the mens point of view and also the womens point of view as to why do men care about there appearance more now and why do more men come to salons to get there hair styled and cut.


When making a TV factual the group that you may be in will all chip in money to help fund for the certain area that you might want to film but sometimes you don’t need money and where you will want to film will not cost you anything to film. For example if you wanted to film in a hair dressers you will not end up having to pay to film there but if you wanted to film something for a film that it coming out in cinemas then that will cost you money to film in a certain area. The paperwork that you will need for Finance is Actor Release forms so you will then have a signature showing that the actor has agreed to be in your film. You will need a production schedule showing when you start filming and when it all needs to be completed by. You will need Recces so you can make notes on the location for each shot. You will need a Risk Assessment showing if there is any risk to be taken where you are filming. Whilst filming you will need a Shooting schedule to show the days that you are filming your factual.


Time is very important in making factuals for example if you are making a factual that is due to go on the radio in a week you will need to use your time well by having a day of filming your interviews and a day of editing and a day of getting cutaways for the factual to allow the documentary can run smoothly the factual so then the factual will be able to be released on time. You will also need a day to fill out and do all the paperwork because you will have to fill out lots of paperwork such as Shooting Schedules Actor Release Forms and Call Sheets. A shooting schedule will be important when managing your time when making factuals because this allows you to write down dates when paperwork has to be done it has a dates on there for when you start and finish filming.


A producer would choose people depending on the size of the production for example if you are making a 5-minute factual you will only need 4 people maximum to interview and you will also need cutaways to go into it a introduction to the factual and a conclusion explain what you have found out during the course of making your factual. The producer will also choose people on skills such as someone who is really good on camera and good with camera work.. The producer will also choose people who are reliable and are trustworthy and he will also choose someone who is good at editing cause they will be editing the factual and making the factual look good and bring the viewers to watch the factual. The Producer will also choose people on cost if your making a documentary on metrosexuality then your not going to interview David Beckam cause it will be to expensive to interview him. What you will do is go to salons and get their opinions on how men have changed and how they care about the appearance now. 


The facilities that are needed for Factual can depend on what you are making if you are making a metrosexuality documentary the place that you are going to need to film is a Salon or a hair dressers so you can interview the stylists in there and get cutaway form there you could make your whole factual in there. You could also go to a barber to get their points of view on metrosexuality. If a facility is not available in Manchester for example if you are not able to go to a salon and film your documentary you could go to a barbers and get there points of view because they would cut men’s hair or you could go to the Gay Village in Manchester and ask them about metroseuality and why do men now care more about their appearance and why is it acceptable for men to wear make up.


The Materials that you will need for a factual is a camera that allows you to film, You will need a tri pod to put the camera on so the camera will not wobble whilst you are filming your factual, You will need spare battery’s encase the cameras battery is dying then you can just change the battery and carry on filming as it will not effect your filming.  You will need a microphone to put onto the camera so that your factual can get good sound and when your interviewing you can hear the interviewee speaking into the camera. The paperwork that you will need for keeping track of all the materials you need is an equipment list so you can write down all the equipment you have taken out and tick off when you have handed the equipment back in. You will also need a signing out sheet if you are borrowing some equipment such as a camera this will be needed to keep track of all the equipment that’s gone out and what’s been signed back in.


The people who will contribute to my Metrosexuality documentary are stylists so this could mean that they are specialists in fashion and all stylists will have different opinions on metrosexuality. The paper work that will be needed for the contributors are Actor release forms because hen you have a signature that shows that they will be in your factual and if you don’t do this then they could sue you if you fake there signature and this also illegal. The way you would find the contributors are if you know where the salon is then you can ether go in and speak to them about the possibility of using the salon for your film or you could phone up and if they say yes you can use the salon them you can then organise a date so you can then go in and film there.


I have identified the location for my metrosexulaity film, which is Jo ferns in Ashton, and they have said I am allowed to film there. I have chosen Jo Ferns as the place to make my documentary because there are a mixture of men and women stylists who works there and I will be interviewing 4 of the stylists 2 men and 2 women so I can get different opinions on metrosexuality from both men and women and I also get my hair cut in that salon. I can use different locations such as barbers or I could go to the Gay village and get some different point of views and I could get some cutaways from there. The paperwork that you need for location is a Call Sheet because this shows how you are getting to the location that you need to get to it also shows times you start and time you end filming and the Call Sheet also shows the location of where you are filming. You need to fill out a Risk Assessment to show if they’re any risks of the equipment getting damaged or the producer getting hurt and the only Risks at a Salon is that there is quite a few taps for water where the stylists wash your hair so keep the camera away from water or If it is raining don’t film in the rain.

Codes of practice and regulation

When making a TV factuals the professional practices that you go through are how to use the camera properly and how to attach the camera to the tri pod. You also get thought. You also get thought when you’re filming to keep quiet so your voice doesn’t go over the interviewee’s voice. We also get thought about how to get the right interview shot and not to have too much headroom when you are filming the interview. You are thought about the right questions and how to get good answers out of the interviewee and if they don’t answer the question or give you the answer you want then you ask the question again in a different context. A reporter is professional and they how this for example on the BBC News the reporter is always dressed smartly in a suit and tie his posture is straight and when he is delivering the news from the day he will deliver it in a very serious voice. The legal issues that can affect a factual TV producer is copyright you cant copy anything that is already been made and if it is done you can be sued this is the main legal issue you must overcome when making a factual. The legal paperwork that needs to be filled out is:
·      Call Sheets
·      Risk Assessment’s
·      Actor Release Forms
·      Recces
·      Copyright Forms