Wednesday 12 February 2014

Proposal for my 2D Animation

In this blog I will be talking about the 2D Animation that I will be creating and I will be Talking about the following:
For my 2D animation I am going to be creating a Mario Kart animation but I will be creating my own characters and the meaning of my animation is that Its not about winning it is about the participation and the advert will be advertising that when doing exercise or any sport it is about the participation that counts and its not all about winning. The advert is going to have 4 characters racing each other and there is one who always loses and he always keeps his chin up and is happy with what place he comes in races. The slogan at the end will be that Its not about winning it is about the participation. 

Working Title

My working title for my animation will be Taking Part because that is what the animation is going to be about taking part in sport and having fun. 

Medium to be Used

My animation will be made using the big paper for the race track and I will be making the racers and cars and I will be cutting them out. What I will be doing is racing them around the track and showing the slogan at the end that its not about winning its about taking part in sport or any physical activity. 

Intended Audience

The intended audience of my animation will be anyone but the main age of this will be ages 12-30 because that is the main age that you start maybe playing competitive and 30 being the age that you  stop doing a lot of competitive sport and exercise and the animation will be to show people that its not about winning it is about the participation in the sport that you are doing and also to have fun.  

Indication of Style

The style that my advert will be educational because the animation or advert might inspire people into doing sport and taking part in a sport that they may enjoy more often and have fun with your friends instead of trying to win all the time. There also maybe some humour in the animation but I haven't made a final decision on whether I am going to make some of the animation humorous. 

Summary of the Content

What is going to be happening on my animation is that I am going to be making my track on a big piece of card so I can draw out big track and my racers and characters are going to be made out of paper and the animation is going to be a cut out animation. What is going to be happening is all the racers are going to be on the track and there will be a main focus on the main character who always wants to win and he ends up losing this race by a big distance and at the end he has a big smile on his face and shakes all of the opponents hands and this will be showing that it is the taking part that counts in sport.

Length and size of the product

The length and size of my product will be 30 seconds-1minute long with it being an advert and with the advert being a race it could go up to one minute depending on when the advert finishes. The scale of my track will depend on how big the race is going to be I want the race track to be quite big which could push the advert up to 1 minute long. 

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