Thursday 5 June 2014

Findings and Evaluation for my 2D and 3D Animations and What I think about the Animations

This is some feedback that I got from my fellow students Shaf Islam and Andrew Goodwin and they have wrote to me via twitter about my 2D Animation Lets Race and my 3D Animation Opposite Joe. In the feedback that I was given of Andrew Goodwin he said that My animation was very inspirational and was very good. Andrew also said that what could have been improved about my animations were that they could have been slightly longer. Shaf Islams feed back again via Twitter was that the ideas that I came up with for my animations were well thought out animations which is similar to what Andrew said. Shaf also said that my animations were really good and that he enjoyed watching them which is also similar to Andrews comments. 
Overall I feel that I have gained some strong feedback for my animation work what I thought I did well in this animation unit is I think that the two ideas that I have come up with were really well researched and well thought out I started out when making my 2D animation by drawing up a mind map of some ideas such as making a nickelodeon and E4 sting I also had the idea for my 2D animation to do a which I ended up doing which was the Lets Race Animation which is an advertisement based on when you are doing sports that its not always about the winning that counts when doing sports or competing with your friends. I didn't end up doing the E4 and Nickelodeon stings because a lot of my fellow students were making them animations or advertisements so I decided to go on a different approach and do a  Mario Kart remake and I made my own version with different characters and I designed my own trackand had a look at a few tracks from the kids television program wacky racers and I also looked at Mario kart tracks from the games after this was done I drew up my track I also went through the same process when I was creating my characters and what I did then was drew out some characters and the cars which I printed off online and once I was at this stage I animated it using iStop Motion and I enjoyed creating my animation and putting all my idea together this was in the process of creating my 2D animation. I think that my 2D animation links wont my proposal that I wrote up after doing my mind map on my proposal I set out with summary of content and I wrote in that I wanted to make my own version of Mario Kart but showing that its not always about winning its about the taking part that counts and I think that I followed my proposal. In my proposal I wrote that I would be creating a advertisement that I will be lasting around 30seconds-1minute and when my advertisement was created it lasted 35 seconds so I feel that I have again related my proposal. The intended audience that I wrote down for my advertisement would be aimed at 6-12 year olds and when creating my animation at the end of the advertisement when the characters are crossing the finish line I decided to add the Mario kart winning theme tune on at the end so i feel that I have again related to my Proposal.
When I was creating my 3D animation the process that I went through in making my 3D aniamtion was similar to the process of my 3D because I drew up a mind map and wrote down some mind maps so I could then make a decision on the animation that I was going to create the animations that I wrote down that I was going to create was the advertisement that I made Opposite Joe which is an advertisement about how to keep fit and that you must eat a balanced diet and on my mind map I had my mind set on creating this animation and what I did Is started out doing some research into keeping healthy advertisements and the one I looked into the most is the Change for Life adverts and did some research on them and based my advert on them and what I did first was make my characters and I made them out of clay and after making these I decided to create some food using clay I made 3 pieces of junk food and 3 pieces of healthy foods and the story of it was the two characters are about to do some exercise and they choose to have some food and there is a choice of a burger and chips or fruit and veg and they kick away the junk food and eat all the healthy food and they go on a run after it doing here daily 30 minutes of exercise and once they have done the exercise they stand together saying eat a healthy balanced diet and most importantly keep fit going across the screen. With my 3D animation after deciding on the Idea to create a Healthy Eating advert I wrote up a proposal and this was where I decided the Working Title for my advertisement being Opposite Joe and I have stuck with that name so I feel that I have related to my proposal with that name. The intended audience of my advertisement was all ages because it is an advertisement on keeping fit and eating a healthy balanced diet so I feel that I have related back to my advertisement with my intended audience. In my proposal I wrote about the Summary of Content in my Advertisement and the length of the animation, What I wrote in the summitry of content was there would be two characters one boy one girl and they are hungry and there is some food there healthy food being a orange and a apple and some junk food being a burger and chips and what they both do is kick away the junk food and this symbols that to cut down on all the junk food and eat more healthy foods such as apples and oranges and then they both go and do exercise and that follows to motto at the end of the advertisement Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet and Keep Fit and I feel that all this happens in the advertisement. I wrote down about the Length of my animation I wrote down between 1 minute  and 1 minute and 30 seconds and I managed to get the animation to 1 minute and 15 seconds so I feel that in the advertisement I followed my proposal.
What I could have improved is maybe the length of the animations I think that my 3D animation could have been a bit shorter and one thing that I have already improved in my 3D animation is that there was no voiceover in there and what I did is added my own voice into it explaining the advertisement with the animation being about healthy eating. One thing I would have liked to improve on my 2D animation I would like to improve the drawing of the track that I drew out and maybe draw out a crowd onto the track and add some crowd noises into the background to show tension in the crowd when the race is happening and by doing this it would make the track that I created a lot more realistic.
if I was to do this unit again I would take a different approach and make two completely different animations I would like to create my own Nickelodeon sting or E4 stings for my 3D animation and for my 2D animation I would like to create something on anti bullying and showing why it is wrong to bully people for any differences they have as I feel that bullying is a very serious matter and that it should be stopped and people should fight against bullying and stop it happening to people because nobody deserves to be bullied.  

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